
The 维京湾书店 provides all of the required and optional books needed for courses offered at 哈德逊山谷社区学院.


  • 教科书 for Summer 2024 will be available for purchase beginning Monday, May 6.
  • The bookstore will be closed Thursday, May 30 - Friday, May 31 for inventory purposes.
  • 教科书 for Fall 2024 will be available for purchase beginning Monday, Aug. 12.


A 需要课本 is a book that is required by the instructor for the course. You will most likely have readings and/or assignments from these texts. If a book is available for rental, it will be noted.

An 可选的教材 is one that the instructors feel would help you with the course, although no assignments will be given out of these texts. Optional books are usually study guides to accompany your textbook, 但可能包括单独的阅读, 字典, 或者解决方案手册.


We now offer three easy ways to purchase your books:

店内: 教科书 are available for in-store purchase two weeks before each semester. Come in with your schedule, and we'd be glad to help you find the correct books.

在线: Have your textbooks shipped or ready for pick-up. Orders may take up to two business days for processing.


Select books are available for rental at a reduced price! You can see what books are available for rental in the store or online at http://bookstore.sh-fyz.com/. NOTE: you will need your student ID and a credit card (not debit) to rent books. 查看我们的租赁协议.


一旦你有了你的时间表, or an idea of the specific courses you will be taking, you can research textbook information (ISBN#, 作者, 版, etc.)、定价和租赁选择.


  1. Go to http://bookstore.sh-fyz.com/
  2. 在菜单中选择“教科书查找”
  3. Click on the Academic Term that you are researching
  4. Click on the four letter department code for your class, select the three digit course code and the section number (this information can be found on your schedule)

You will be presented with a listing of books that are required and/or optional along with the price. If rental is available, that will be listed as well. Click on the book title and a pop-up box will show the ISBN#, 作者 and 版 number (if applicable).

Or, you can access textbook information in WIReD. Be sure you are not logged into your account.

  1. 有线课程时间表页面 and select the term you are interested in, then click "Submit."
  2. Select the course you're looking for and click "Class Search."
  3. Click on the CRN and then the "View Textbook Information" button


Books are arranged by course number in the store, and there are signs indicating which course numbers are located in each aisle. 购买文本时, 带一份你的日程表, so that you receive the correct books for your course and section.

We encourage students to buy their texts during the two weeks before class starts (one week for the Summer and Sprint sessions). The wait in line may be significantly shorter during this two week period than on the first day of class. Books purchased more than two weeks in advance of the start of class are not returnable.

After the sixth week of class, the 书店 begins to return the textbooks to the publishers. If you are in need of a book, check with the 书店 for availability. An order can be placed if it’s not in stock. The book will arrive in 7-10 business days, and you will be notified when it comes in.


Here is some information to help save you money and time on purchasing textbooks:

  • 租书可以省钱! Rent a book at a discount and return it when you are done with the class!
  • 二手书可以帮你省钱. Used books sell for 25 percent off the new price.
  • Ask your professor in the first week if any books will be required. If not, make a return before two weeks from when classes start.
  • 把你的书卖回去. During finals week and the first week of each semester are the best times to sell your books back for cash!
  • 美国机会税抵免. Textbook and other course material expenses – along with tuition and fees not covered by scholarships or grants – may be claimed as a tax credit on that year's tax return.
  • 一项作业只需要一本书? 请查看 textbooks on reserve in the Dwight Marvin 图书馆.
  • 了解 财政援助书店预付款.



Hours: 周一至周五,上午8点.m. - 4 p.m. (不含 大学假期和假期)
夏季2024小时(5月20日至7月26日): 周一至周四,上午8点.m. – 4 p.m.; Friday, Closed

NOTE: 我们是开放的 延长时间 at the beginning of each semester and closed the last two business days in May for inventory purposes.